New Product

* Scheduled to go on sale in September 2024

Edge AI Station®

Deployment platform for video AI applications


24 x 365 support
Realtime / Batch


On-site / On-prem / DC
Indoor / Outdoor

Any use case

Various AIVA support
Flexible SI

What is "Edge AI Station"?

Edge AI platform products to accelerate implementation and deployment of practical video AI apps

▶ Edge AI Box – Operates on the EX series, allowing implementation of various video AI apps

Supports various functions required for practical/commercial application of "Video Edge AI ®"

▶ Various configuration functions, full management and operation functions, high security functions, etc.

Implements "video pipeline processing" to maximize the performance of the "Edge AI Box-EX"

▶ Multiple cameras and multiple apps operating simultaneously.
▶ Enables the latest AI models to run in a rapidly evolving AI development environment.

Easily build flexible action rules using AI analysis results

▶ Transmission of real-time machine control, alerts and periodic reports of analysis results via various communication methods.
▶ Supports extensive recording and snapshot functions.

Operates independently on-premise and offered as a product

▶ Remote support by EDGEMATRIX (* Internet access and paid maintenance service contract required)

Edge AI Station Features


◼️Works alone
◼️Supports on-premise installation
◼️Operates within a closed network
◼️Edge distributed computing
・Disaster countermeasures through location decentralization, etc.


◼️Real-time AI monitoring ・Local alerts to warn of warnings and dangers on-site ・Remote alerts to inform security guards and managers' smartphones and terminals.
◼️Real-time control of machines, etc.


◼️High-speed parallel processing
◼️Multi-camera processing
・Numerous streams can be processed per app
◼️ Multi-app processing
・Multiple apps can be processed simultaneously

Low cost

◼️Reduction of camera unit cost
・Multiple cameras can be processed simultaneously.
◼️Low operating costs
・Reduced communication costs through edge processing
・Product sales: Running cost is maintenance fee only


◼️Freely construct business logic with callback functions
◼️Action rules are written in NodeRed
・Transmission of alerts and analysis results
・Supports various protocols


◼️Supports APIs and system integration
◼️Integration with building management systems and SCADA possible
・Integrated management and operation of multiple Edge AI Stations


◼️Role-based access control (Admin, Operator, Guest)
◼️Edge video processing for privacy protection


◼️Remote management is possible through a variety of communication functions
◼️Docker support for software updates and various configurations
◼️Remote support service by our EDGEMATRIX is also provided (paid service)

GUI screenshot (example)

*Scroll horizontally to view.

Example of small-scale configuration

Large-scale configuration example

We will release a number of ready-made video AI apps for the Edge AI Station in the future.

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