
    For inquiries about EDGEMATRIX Inc., please contact us using the form below.

    If you are satisfied with the content of your inquiry, please press the submit button.

    • Step 1Enter your inquiry details
    • Step 2Confirmation of input contents
    • Step 3Inquiry completed

    Enter your inquiry details

    Confirmation of input contents

    Company nameRequired

    Department name

    Full nameRequired

    Email addressRequired

    Phone number

    Product name

    Product name for cameras or other products

    * Please provide identifiable information such as manufacturer name, model name, and S / N.

    Name of AI application used

    * Name of AI application used in the EDGEMATRIX service

    Device ID

    * If you have an AIBOX device ID registered with the EDGEMATRIX service, please enter it.

    Device serial number

    * Not required if you entered the device ID.

    Device console user ID

    * EDGEMATRIX service login ID

    Inquiry typeRequired

    Inquiry detailsRequired

      For inquiries about EDGEMATRIX Inc., please contact us using the form below.

      If you are satisfied with the content of your inquiry, please press the submit button.

      • Step 1Enter your inquiry details
      • Step 2Confirmation of input contents
      • Step 3Inquiry completed

      Enter your inquiry details

      Confirmation of input contents

      Full nameRequired

      Company nameRequired

      Department / Division Name

      Email addressRequired

      Phone number

      Inquiry itemsRequired

      Inquiry detailsRequired