Company Information


EDGEMATRIX contributes to the society through development of fundamental technology of Video Edge AI.

Smart City

▪️EDGEMATRIX deploys services and solutions with practical AI apps for smart cities.
・We provide highly versatile "Ready-made AI" as well as "Custom-made AI" that can meet specific customer needs.
・We also support integration with existing cameras and systems owned by the customer.

Edge AI Box

EDGEMATRIX develops and sells "Edge AI Box" devices with multiple interfaces and the latest, high-performance GPU for AI processing at the edge.


:EDGEMATRIX provides the Platform for various video AI apps to deploy safely in the field. Functions of the Platform include remote system management and operations.
・ Apps can be updated and changed for continuous quality improvement and introduction of new apps.
・ Valuable data of the customer is protected with high-level security.
・ It also supports alerting upon detection of abnormality, and aggregation and visualization of analytical results.


Social implementation of "Video Edge AI"

Information available from video is infinite.

The sense of sight (analogically a "camera" in case of electronics) can typically provide the highest information volume out of the five senses ("sensors"). Video from cameras, after being analyzed by AI, can be used for various purposes, including security, business, and labor saving. EDGEMATRIX provides video AI-focused services and solutions. Answer lies in "Edge" (on site).

Answer lies in "Edge" (on site).

In many cases, challenges and issues are found at the Edge (on site). EDGEMATRIX ensures understanding of varied environment of installation sites and requirements of individual customers by visiting sites to detect and resolve issues, which might not be obvious from viewing over the cloud only. Edge processing has the following merits:

Reduced communication cost by transfer of small data (analytical result only) after analysis at the Edge, when compared to video analysis in the cloud

Prevention from decrease in recognition rate by AI analysis of low compression video (clear-cut image), when compared to use of wirelessly transferred video

Excellent anti-disaster performance by Edge distributed processing, when compared to concentrated processing in the cloud (at one location)

Privacy protection by transfer of post-analysis data only from the Edge without the need of sending video, which contains images of people, to the cloud

Real-time processing of video from quantities of cameras in Smart City

Real-time processing at the Edge is not impacted by transmission delay or communication failure. It helps secure promptness of equipment control and alarm issuing, which needs real-time performance, even upon abnormality.

Safe, secured society

EDGEMATRIX makes use of Video Edge AI technology to contribute to realization of safe, secured society.


Management Team

President /

Hiroshi Ohta

Ohta introduced a number of "the-first-in-the-industry" products and services in the mobile communication space. In twelve years at a major mobile carrier in Japan (former J-Phone, Vodafone Japan, SoftBank Mobile, and now SoftBank), he was at the forefront of state-of-the-art architecture and service development. He led the development of, to name a few, short messaging service (SMS) as first in Japan, J-Sky mobile Internet service with mobile browser, ringtone download service using synthesizer chip, location-based services (J-Sky Station and J-Navi), photo transfer service with camera-equipped mobile phones as first in the world (picture mail), and 3D Java game. Many of them are now global standard service and technology in the world.

Executive Vice President /

Shinya Motohashi

Motohashi is responsible for overall business management, including corporate strategy, management plan, and business development, as COO having experienced in corporate planning and management over thirty years, including his former job at a major telecommunication carrier in Japan. After graduating from Hitotsubashi University, he joined Kokusai Denshin Denwa (now KDDI) and built career at its central space of business management, such as service planning, business planning and secretary to the president, for about twenty years. He then moved to Vodafone Japan, where he was in charge of business strategy development as a member of global strategy team of Vodafone and led business reconstruction and other projects. He obtained an MBA at University of Southern California.

General Manager
Development Division / EVP

Hidefumi Sugihara

Sugihara joined Intel Corporation Japan after having experienced product development, including Sony Beta video player, NEFAX and NEC six-axis robot simulator. At Intel he was in charge of CPU product technology, Technology Director, and Sales Director and also responsible for development of Sony VAIO and launch of Intel data center in Japan. In 2003 he established a venture of encryption development and data backup solution service. In 2011 he started a business of camera module manufacturing and joined EDGEMATRIX Inc. when it was founded in 2019. At EDGEMATRIX he serves as the head of product and platform development.


Team of people uniquely experienced in a variety of industries and global space, including telecommunication, semiconductor manufacturing, server product manufacturing, software development, service provider, data center, smart building system development, electronic component manufacturing, and IT consulting

Company Profile

Product business (development and sales of Edge AI Box products)
Solution service business (development and offering of deployment platform-based versatile and custom AI systems)
Representative Directors
CEO Hiroshi Ohta
COO Shinya Motohashi
April 26, 2019
CAT Building 9th floor, 2-3-16 Ebisu Nishi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0021 Google Map
Major shareholders
NTT Communications Corporation
SVB Capital
First Citizens Bank
Cloudian Inc.
Japan Post Capital Co., Ltd.
Sony Innovation Fund
DG Resona Ventures No.1 Investment Limited Partnership
TIS Inc.


We are looking for members who will challenge the AI business that will change the world.

In the era of 5G, which has the features of high speed, large capacity, low latency, and simultaneous multiple connections, many apps such as IoT that process high-definition video such as 4k8K in real time will begin to appear.
Since the amount of data in these apps is enormous, AI processing at the data generation site (Edge) and distributed processing by peer-to-peer (P2P) are required from the viewpoint of network utilization efficiency.
EDGEMATRIX started its business in July 2019 as a start-up that sells and provides Edge AI devices for this next-generation environment, remote management of Edge AI, and sales and distribution services for AI apps.
We are looking for members who will challenge the AI business of the 5G era that will change the world.

Job positions

We are not accepting applications at this time.

About ISMS「ISO/IEC27001」Certification

Based on the results of the inspection by the JUSE-ISO Center (Japan Scientists and Engineers Association, a general incorporated foundation), we have obtained certification for ISO/IEC 27001, an international standard for information security management systems (ISMS), within the scope described in the appendix, on March 25, 2022.
We will continue to work on operating and strengthening our information security management system in order to provide our customers with services that they can use with peace of mind.

Certification Criteria

ISO/IEC 27001:2013/JIS Q 27001:2014

Certification Registration No.


Registered Scope of Activity

Sales and maintenance of Edge AI processing equipment and systems
Develop and provide cloud management services for Edge AI processing equipment
Support implementation of edge AI processing equipment and systems
